ATTENTION: This motion profile was created on a DOF Reality platform that did not have the SFU gear box upgrade. If you have a SFU upgraded DOF Reality platform, you will likely need to adjust the Effects Slider and Smoothing Effect settings.
Below is the tuning for Epic Roller Coasters. This tuning utilized the telemetry data from the default tracks that come free with the game: Rock Canyon, Underwater Cave, and Tropical Island. Epic Roller Coasters telemetry output has numerous errors and will report values that are not utilized. Therefore, this tuning is averaged against normalized telemetry output, excluding the spikes, and tuned for an immersive experience through emulated g-forces. This tuning will feel like a fun roller coaster providing the pitch, roll, and heave that you expect while riding on the tracks.
Important Note
Due to the poor telemetry data from Epic Roller Coasters, there can be occasional spikes when first loading into a track, while sitting in the menu, or at random times. The normalized telemetry in the tuning below should mitigate the jarring feeling of these spikes.
Special Note for YawVR Users
Since Yaw is directly related to the direction the vehicle is pointed, it can be enabled on YawVR platforms. It will need to be tuned appropriately and the initial suggested values could be utilized: Yaw Effects Slider at 15 and Max Telemetry at 180. This has not been tested or verified, but a good starting point.
Tuned on a DOF Reality P6, but will work for all DOF Reality models. For more information on tuning, see the SRS 2.0 Motion Tuning Guide here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
Epic Roller Coasters Tuning
Notes: Normalized telemetry output; however, hand tuning was needed due to erroneous telemetry values. Emphasized Pitch, Roll, and Heave. Sway is prioritized; however, the telemetry data is sporadic. Surge Max Telemetry greatly reduce to enable g-forces when stopping on a coaster. Yaw and Traction Loss values negated.

So, downloaded the Beta SRS app, ini for that is like yours, 7701. The game has UDP set as 33001. Yet now... it works!?! Thankyou so much! I never bought this H3 to sit in a virtual rollercoaster but after my daughter seeing me in racing games, I told her it can also do rollercoasters!! I feel a failure as a father all this while it wouldn't work. hehehe, thanks again for your help.