This thing is what I feel like is the final piece of the “immersion” puzzle we’re all trying to achieve. It’s not an overt effect, it’s very strong but subtle (which is GOOD) and I had to actively think about it while I drove, but feeling a five point harness pull do down into your seat when you float the car over a crest is super cool.
Active Belt Customer
The verdict is in...this mod is completely awesome! It really does add so much g-force immersion in such a simple way. This thing is expensive, so I would say if you can afford it, then don't wait, just pull the trigger. Not only are you feeling it on braking, but in corners as well because it will pull more heavily on one side when cornering. When people are saying that are replicating this with bungie, they are not....not even close. Having said that, if you don't have a thousand dollars to throw down on it, then bungie would be the best option to try and replicate this hardware. Another plus is that literally all you have to do is install it and adjust the straps and you are good to go. It just works! SRS will detect that it is present and will ask you to install the driver on the first run, other than that there is nothing else to do but tweak as you like. I downloaded Jeff Weaver's pro-tune for it and was very happy right off the jump. I think this device will also help prolong the life of your motors because you are not going to need to crank everything up and throw yourself around to try and replicate g-forces. That's my opinion...some people might really like being tossed around, so take my statement with a grain of salt. I tend to believe that less is more in the pursuit of realism. Final Grade: At if you can afford it and are looking to add more immersion, this is a can't miss way to go.
Active Belt Customer
Kudos to PT Actuator and SRS for putting it together. I was testing the Audi on Suzuka and its just crazy immersive now. I really was just amazed at how much it pulls you into the moment and you can feel that sustained braking feel - combined with a surge actuator – just incredible More to come!
Active Belt Customer
BTW – the PT / SRS Belt Tension is AMAZING. The key thing it does is provide a sustained feel of braking, but more that you can “feel” how hard/long you’re braking through the belts now. The sway element was a nice surprise once I dialed it in a bit and really adds to the immersion. I’ll need to test on rally/offroad/flight for heave to get some spiky numbers. I’m collecting info now on tuning tips and I’ll get a guide up real soon. I should have a video out this weekend too, so you can see it move and I’ll start working on tutorial videos (still trying to figure out a format vs just lecturing).