Below is the Motion Tuning and U-Shake6 Profile for F1 22. The profile was created on a DOF Reality H3 with the SFU gear box upgrade on the front motors; however, it can be utilized for any DOF Relaity platform with SFU upgrades. The shake profile was created specifically for the U-Shake6; however, much of the guidance can be utilized for other ShakeKits to customize the shake effects.
WARNING - Bugged Pitch Telemetry: Pitch telemetry is currently bugged and will either stay Positive or Negative with no regards to the position of the vehicle on the track. This means that some downward hills might actually pitch the platform back and upward hills will pitch the platform down. Reversing direction of the vehicle on the same hill won't change the pitching of the platform. The issue is being investigated by SRS.
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U-Shake6 Shaker Setup
The Sim Racing Studio's U-Shake6 utilizes 6 channels to distribute the 28 shake effects. These channels can be blended together in different amounts of strength from 1 to 10. Changing the blending allows customization of how the effects will feel on the U-Shake. Below is the guidance on how to set the Windows volume for the USB Sound Device, create a custom Shake Profile and adjust the Shake Profile Advanced Config settings for each channel and each effect based on testing which provides a balanced and immersive feel when racing.
1) First, you will need to adjust the default volume of the Speakers (USB Sound Device) sound card used by the U-Shake6 in Windows to 50% volume. This setting provides the overall "power" to the U-Shake6. If the setting is too high, it can cause the U-Shake shakers to clip and be difficult to tune. Setting it to 50% allows for a wide range of adjustability while lowering the risk of clipping and causing excessive heat.
To adjust the default volume, you can select the Speakers (USB Sound Device) by clicking on the speaker icon in the Windows Toolbar, switching to Speakers (USB Sound Device) and reduce its volume to 50%. IMPORTANT: Be sure to re-select your default sound card for your PC after you make this adjustment or the U-Shake6 USB Sound Device will be utilized for your game sound and it will come out of the U-Shake6 shakers.

You are also able to make this adjustment in the Sounds Control Panel by selecting the Speakers USB Sound Device, selecting Properties, and the Levels tab and adjusting the Speakers to 50.

2) In order for adjustments to be made to the U-Shake6's Shake Profile, a custom Shake Profile will need to be created. To do so, in Sim Racing Studio go to SETUP > HARDWARE and scroll down to the SHAKERS section. To the right to the Profile drop-down field that displays SRS UShake6 from when you setup your U-Shake6, there are two buttons with hover over text: Duplicate selected profile and Remove selected profile.

3) Select the Duplicate selected profile button (the duplicate paper icon) and select a new name for the custom profile or use the default name of SRS UShake6 (1) and press Confirm.

4) You will now see the custom Shake name listed in the Profile drop-down field. Set all of the 6 channels (FL, FR, CE, SUB, RL, RR) to the middle setting of 10. This will create a neutral default volume for each channel which can be adjusted later if you want more shake strength for a specific channel.

5) Next, you will need to select each of the Gear icons one at a time to adjust the effects blending for that specific channel.

6) Each channel will have its own Shakers Profile Advanced Config window. You will need to adjust each of the 28 effects for all 6 of the channels. Again, there are 28 effects, so if you only see a few in the window, be sure to scroll down to set all 28.

7) Adjust the default sliders for each effect and channel according to the graph below:

8) Once the custom Shake Profile channels are all setup, you will need to adjust the Shake Tuning for the game. The easiest way to do this is to adjust the default motion profile for the game which will be utilized for any vehicle you have not yet saved a motion profile. To do this, open the Profile Manager by clicking on the magnifying glass next to PROFILE IN USE in the upper right of Sim Racing Studio. This will open the Profile Manager. Note: You must not be in an active game to access the Profile Manager.

9) Once the Profile Manager window opens, scroll down to find the game to adjust and select the Edit button (pencil icon) to load the default motion profile for that game. Note: If there is a + sign next to the name, you can expand the game profile and see and edit the individual cars you have saved. By selecting the game name at the top, you are editing the default motion profile for that game. You can also Reset, Export, and Share the motion profile here as well.

10) Once you select the Edit button, Sim Racing Studio loads the profile and will display it in the PROFILE IN USE in the top right with the status of Editing Profile.

11) Next, click on TUNING > Shake in Sim Racing Studio to go to the SHAKE tuning page.

12) Set the Engine Type to Enhanced (or use Original if you do not have a Sim Racing Studio Premium Add-On Subscription). Set each of the sliders to the settings below. Impact has been disabled as it provide a shake effect during spikes in surge telemetry and is not needed in a motion simulator. Lateral G has also been disabled as it shakes during sway which is also not needed in a motion simulator.

13) Once finished making adjustments, be sure to click SAVE in the upper right of Sim Racing Studio.

You are done setting up the U-Shake6 and the adjustments above will make the shake settings the default for any unsaved vehicle you drive in F1 22. Please try the settings and any provide feedback in the DOF Reality Facebook group by messaging me. If you want to make adjustments to the strength of effects, please use the sliders in the Tuning > Shake page. If you want to make adjustments to how strong certain effects are on certain shakers, go to the SETUP > Hardware Shakers section and select the Gear icon for the specific shaker and adjust the strength of the effect for that specific channel. You can also use the Gear icons next to each effect in the Shake Tuning window to adjust the Premium Shake Options (more info is in the Shake Tuning Guide here) if you have a Premium Add-On Subscription. Below is an image of what channel each shaker is in the U-Shake6:

F1 22 Motion Profile
Notes: This profile is based on F1 telemetry from all 22 tracks from teams including Astron Martin, Red Bull Racing, Williams, Ferrari, Haas, McLaren, Alpha Tauri, Mercedes, and Alpine. Engine Haptic effect is disable to reduce interference with heave telemetry (use Shaker profile above for Engine effects). It has been tuned specifically on a DOF Reality H3 with the SFU gear upgrade on the front motors.
If you want less pitching during acceleration and braking, reduce the Effects sliders for both Long G Surge Accel and Decel from 16 down one point at a time.
If you do not want to feel the shaking when at idle and not moving, reduce Engine Haptic to 1 or turn Off completely.
If you want to feel less roll as you go around corners, reduce the Effects slider for Lat G Sway down from 14 one point at a time.
If anything feels off, please message me in the DOF Reality Builders Facebook group and provide as MUCH detail as you can as to what you are doing when you feel something is off. The more detail the better. Thank you!
Remember - pitch telemetry is still broken in F1 22, so it might pitch the platform down when going up a hill. There isn't much we can do about it until EA fixes it. If it becomes annoying, you can disable pitch movement by clicking the On button to Off on the right side of Pitch's Max Telemetry box.

Change Log
7/4/2022 - Updated profile with correct values for Smoothing Effects for Sway and Surge. Removed Smoothing Effect setting for Yaw.
7/17/2022 - Added note regarding no motion in multiplayer.
7/22/2022 - Added note regarding multiplayer fix and required Beta v2.24.6.0
8/2/2022 - Added Warning regarding bugged Pitch Telemetry
9/23/2022 - Updated profile with testing on a H3 with SFU gearboxes. Added U-Shake6 tuning guidance.