ATTENTION: This motion profile was created on a DOF Reality platform that did not have the SFU gear box upgrade. If you have a SFU upgraded DOF Reality platform, please use the profile here:
Below is the updated tuning Microsoft Flight Simulator which utilizes the new Telemetry-Over-Time feature in SRS which was not available during the original version. This enabled the ability to eliminate erroneous spikes and outlier telemetry values that were masking the fidelity of normal flight. Overall, Max Telemetries have been reduced to improve the responsiveness with special focus on turbulence.
NOTE: Corrupted Yaw has been fixed in Sim Racing Studio v2.13.05 or higher. This motion profile will need to be updated to reflect this change. Until then, please adjust the Yaw Effect Slider and potentially the Yaw Max Telemetry to improve the Yaw motion. See Change Log below for more information.
WARNING: Aerobatic or high-performance planes like the Aviat Pitts Special S2S, Robin CAP 10, Extra 330LT, and the JMB VL-3 should use the Aerobatic/High Performance Airplane tuning below. Otherwise, the movement of the platform will be EXTREME.
FEELING PITCH AND ROLL: If you would like to feel more elevation changes when making minor adjustments during flight. Its recommended to lower the Max Telemetry for Pitch and Roll a single point or two at a time. However, this will make the platform move quickly to the maximum amount of movement when performing any larger pitches up or down as well and when banking the aircraft.
PROFILE IN USE ISSUES: Microsoft Flight Simulator has a bug that will retain the last plane selected in flight or in the Hanger in the Profile In Use even when in the menu system. This is not an SRS issue. To edit the default tuning for Microsoft Flight Simulator you must exit the game and edit the profile in SRS.
Tuned on a DOF Reality P6, but will work for all DOF Reality models. For more information on tuning, see the SRS 2.0 Motion Tuning Guide here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
Microsoft Flight Simulator General Tuning
Important: Yaw is corrupted in MS Flight Simulator. Please see the note above.
Notes: Pitch Max Telemetry reduced by 50% along Roll and Yaw reduced approximately 20% to increase fidelity of movement during take off and small changes during flight. Long G Surge Accel/Decel Max Telemetry decreased by 25% to increase the feeling of accelerating during takeoff. Vert G Heave Masx Telemetry reduced by 30% to improve motion during turbulence. Effect Smoothing added to all parameters except Heave to maintain fine fidelity of turbulence. Enhanced G-Forces turned on to improve sustained g-forces feeling (only available for DOF Reality H6/P6 platforms). Overall Smoothing increased to 75 to reduce jarring motion during extreme maneuvers. Reaction Speed increased to 100 to improve response time of motion to inputs.
ATTENTION: This motion profile uses extremely low Max Telemetries for Pitch and Roll and needs to have Yaw reversed. It is recommended to increase the Max Telemetries for these axes: Increase Pitch to 30 and Roll to 30. For Yaw, change it to -30 to reverse the axis.

Aerobatic/High Performance Airplane Tuning
Important: Yaw is corrupted in MS Flight Simulator. Please see the note above.
Notes: Reaction Speed increased to 100 to improve response time. Pitch Max Telemetry reduced slightly to increase fidelity when climbing or diving. Lat G Sway Max Telemetry slightly increased base on reviewed telemetry. Long G Surge Max Telemetry decreased and Accel Effect Slider increased to improve acceleration during flight. Vert G Heave greatly reduced to improve turbulence and heave during aerobatic flight. Smoothing Effect applied to reduce jarring motions. Yaw Smoothing Effect increased to 60 to mitigate Yaw spikes during aerobatic rolls and high g-force banked turns.

Shake Tuning
Note: Due to differences in Windows sound volume settings and placement and type of shaker kits, the original Shake Tuning has been retired. Please utilize the Shake Tuning Guide to set a Shake profile for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The Shake Tuning Guide can be found here.
Is there a profile for the old FSX & DofReality?
I have a DOF H6, and am interested in FSX's stock R22 helicopter.
any success on developing motion for turbulence ?
Below is the retired original general tuning for MS Flight Sim 2020 posted for reference only or for those that liked the original settings. Retired March 21st, 2021 - General Tuning
Retired March 22nd, 2021 - Aerobatic Tuning
Retired March 22nd, 2021 - Shake Tuning
Any further news on the new updated profile? It is March '21 after all😁
Great news! Really looking forward to the new profile!
This is odd. Are you running steamVR in beta?
I'm not sure if anyone else is seeing this problem but I get periodic lag (SteamVR drops to the "Waiting..." notification) whenever running the SRS app. It happens most when the sim is sent telemetry data (i.e. I can almost trigger it by pressing the rudder or doing sudden plane movements.) Closing out the SRS app gets rid of all lag in the game and VR then runs beautifully. This didn't always happen - has anything changed by chance? I've done extensive testing with settings/drivers to try to solve the issue and it doesn't seem related to nVidia driver or any MSF settings.
i also can't get it to work with the Gamepass edition from Windows 10. Does someone have a solution?
Does this work withthe GamePass version on Windows 10, or JUST Steam/Xbox for... reasons?