The screenshot below was updated 2021.10.20!
If you are an American Truck Sim Driver like me, you might try these settings on your rig. I've been working this for a few weeks and I feel like I'm getting it dialed in better. I consider this a work in progress still, but the changes I make are getting fewer and farther between these days. I'm trying to match the motion to the visual I get while driving in the game. I still feel like there are times when, after a long curve in the highway for example, the platform should level back out after the curve completes but it doesn't. It still relies on the road surface to level the platform back out and sometimes that seems out of place. Still, for the most part, I think it's a good start at least. Let me know what you think or perhaps any adjustments you would suggest! P.S. - The rest of the sliders below what's pictured are zero'd out / full left position.

Oh, and a picture of my rig:

Good luck all!
Good mourning. That looks very nice. I was upgrading my wheel and shifter and pedals was so distracted setting everything up. Had no chance to test those new settings. Hopefully today or tomorrow and i can go back to playing. will let you know thanks
A further update. I've added 50% "Overall Smoothing" to this setup to smooth out the rig. Add "Overall Smoothing" and suit to taste. Cheers all!
Just a quick note that I've updated the settings (pictured above) on 2021.10.20. Try these settings out. Much more active and more realistic in my opinion. Try it out and let me know what you think! Thanks all! Enjoy!
So I rest all and started all over. Same your settings. Every thing works smoothly and nice. So thanks again u settings helped alot in smoothing the experience. Thanks again
So all worked great thanks to your effort. I never tested the engine heptic so that was new for me and i liked it. Tho in general there was not too much movement. That could be coz of the smoothing effect i was waiting on your reply. So i will retest and let u know.
First thanks for sharing. I will be testing those settings now and get back to you. Tho I have a question. Have you done any changes to those. Please check attachment.