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Motion: How "Power/Max Angle", "Reaction Speed","Smoothing" and "Boost" affects my ride?

Updated: May 23, 2020

POWER/MAX Angle: Max Degree rotation of the platform.

  • Let's say your DOF Platform is meant to go from -10 degrees to +10 degrees

  • If power is at 90, our software will limit the platform to go from only -9 to +9 reducing the overall motion of the platform.

  • It will "proportionally" calculate, for each telemetry value, the new motor position. It's not a stop when reach 90 kind of rule. :-)

  • Lower is ideal for Kids and people who wants less movement

  • Higher is ideal for hard core racers and flight simulators

SMOOTHING: Limit Large Delta changes of each motor

  • Let's say your game did a drastic change in direction (left to right or up to down) and our SRS DOF formula calculated that your platform (motors) need to go from position -10 to +10

  • Smoothing at 0, will allow the platform to do the -10 to +10 change

  • Smoothing at 50, will only bring the platform from -10 to +5

  • Smoothing at 90 will bring the platform to around +1

  • We are calculating those effects millions of times a second, so it's not so evident, but the higher the smoothing value the smoother your change in direction

  • It's not straight forward like that, but I think you can grasp the concept. Right?

BOOST: Increases Small Delta changes of each motor (opposite of smoothing). Available as of v45.1

  • Let's say your game did a very small change in direction (left to right or up to down) and our SRS DOF formula calculated that your platform (motors) need to go from position 0 to 1

  • Boost at 0, will move the platform from 0 to +1

  • Boost at 50, will move the platform from 0 to +1.5

  • Boost at 90 will move the platform to +1.9

  • We are calculating those effects millions of times a second, so it's not so evident, but the higher the Boost value the bigger your change in direction for small changes

  • It's not straight forward like that, but I think you can grasp the concept. Right?

REACTION SPEED: This limits how quick the motors will move to get to the desired position. Major factor to improve Jerkiness on the platform

  • Let's say you are in a high speed tight S curve. SRS DOF formula calculated that your platform (motors) need to go from position -10 to +3 and back to -8 in a very short amount of time.

  • Reaction Speed at 100 (max and also the default of the platform), will try to reach the new position as fast as possible. Hence, you will feel a hard swing from side to side

  • Reaction Speed at 70 (min), will slightly slow down the swing speed ... believe me, it will be a lot more smoother. This is my personal preference.

  • This feature will be available as v 1.50 in March 2020



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Oct 14, 2019

We add all this blogs to our FAQ is the main source of info for all tips and troubleshooting Procedures


Oct 14, 2019

This is good info, I had to figure this all out for myself. It would be good to make a wiki or documentation, and pack such info into that rather than just here on the blog. Otherwise it is not easily found.

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