ATTENTION: This motion profile was created on a DOF Reality platform that did not have the SFU gear box upgrade. If you have a SFU upgraded DOF Reality platform, you will likely need to adjust the Effects Slider and Smoothing Effect settings.
Below is the tuning for No Limits 2. This tuning utilized the telemetry data from Collosus, Valhall, Wilderness Park, Fenrir, Forest Wilderness Park, Rock-It Man, and Venom.
WARNING - Buggy Telemetry
There are occasional spikes in telemetry for unknown reasons in random axes. Certain tracks encounter this issue more often than others. The tuning below has been adjusted to compensate when possible. For example, the Venom track will roll to the right extremely fast while ascending the first hill.
Important Shaker Tuning
No Limits 2 will utilize data for shakers/transducers. This is mainly felt when the coaster is on the chain system traveling up towards the top of a drop. Its recommended to also tune your your shaker tunings down to assist in immersion as the default settings will be extreme. A shaker tuning is available at the bottom.
Special Note for YawVR Users
Since Yaw is directly related to the direction the vehicle is pointed, it can be enabled on YawVR platforms. It will need to be tuned appropriately and the initial suggested values could be utilized: Yaw Effects Slider at 15 and Max Telemetry at 180. This has not been tested or verified, but a good starting point.
Tuned on a DOF Reality P6, but will work for all DOF Reality models. For more information on tuning, see the SRS 2.0 Motion Tuning Guide here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
No Limits 2 Tuning
Notes: Updated to improve responsiveness of pitch, roll, and sway with reduced Max Telemetries. Sway and Heave Effect sliders reduced. Tuning updated with Smoothing Effects.

No Limits 2 Shaker Tuning
Notes: Adjusted to only utilize shaking telemetry available for No Limits 2.

No Limits 2 Wind Tuning
Notes: Curve adjusted so main wind force is only felt during fast sections of the roller coaster.

Retired tunings as of 11/29/2020. These have been replaced with new tunings that utilize the SRS Effects Smoothing feature. Retired No Limits 2 Tuning
Notes: Normalized Max Telemetry across all effects. Prioritized Pitch, Roll, Sway, and Heave to accentuate roller coaster movement. Removed Yaw and Traction Loss telemetry from tuning to ensure no impact to other effects.
Retired No Limits 2 Shaker Tuning
Tune On: SimRacingStudio Elite Shaker Kit Notes: Reduce all settings down to 2 to increase immersion.