ATTENTION: This motion profile was created on a DOF Reality platform that did not have the SFU gear box upgrade. If you have a SFU upgraded DOF Reality platform, you will likely need to adjust the Effects Slider and Smoothing Effect settings.
Below is the general tuning for War Thunder. The tuning is based on telemetry captured from various tiers of aircraft in the game from bi-planes, jets, bombers, to helicopters. The General Tuning has been tested on various aircraft from various countries. However, War Thunder is more an arcade sim vs a realistic sim experience so expectations of performance should be adjusted accordingly.
Telemetry for pitch and roll in War Thunder is missing for certain aircraft. This includes the initial aircraft utilized for the training mission, many of the 1st tier aircraft as well a few in other tiers. This is not an issue with Sim Racing Studio, the telemetry for pitch and roll just does not exist for certain aircraft due to the buggy nature of War Thunder. In addition, there are certain helicopters (Russian Ka50) that do not have Yaw telemetry available. War Thunder simply does not provide Yaw telemetry for these helicopters.
War Thunder has buggy telemetry that can randomly cause the the platform to surge/pitch forward when first loading an aircraft. The movement will cease after the plane has loaded. There is no way to filter this movement without impacting normal flight.
War Thunder does not have Sway telemetry. The current values that War Thunder exports is associated with Angle of Sideslip (AoS) which is not an accurate representation of Sway and the g-forces associates with Sway telemetry. Therefore, it has been disabled in this tuning. It is HIGHLY recommended you disable any Sway in tunings by reducing the Effects slider to 0 and setting Max Telemetry to 1800 as indicated in the General Tuning.
War Thunder's telemetry output for Yaw is opposite of what is found in the majority of flight simulators. The Yaw axis has been inverted in the General Tuning for use with motion platforms.
War Thunder does not provide any telemetry for ground or naval vehicles. Thus, there will be no movement available for motion platforms.
The output rate of telemetry from War Thunder is extremely low and will likely result in some jerky or "steppy" type motion when pitching or rolling over a gradual period of time. Unfortunately, there is no fix for the lack of smooth movement at this time.
Tuned on a DOF Reality P6, but will work for all DOF Reality models. For more information on tuning, see the SRS 2.0 Motion Tuning Guide here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
War Thunder General Tuning
Notes: Pitch and Roll has been prioritized and balanced against the performance of numerous fighter aircraft. Yaw has been reversed to match in game movements. Sway has been disabled to avoid inaccurate telemetry output of Angle of Sideslip (AoS). It is recommended for H6/P6 users to leave Enhanced G-Forces enabled due to lack of Sway telemetry.

Hey great article, I was wondering why I was getting limited motion when I started the game!
Any idea if the software supports wind or shaking for War Thunder?
Very cool! I was unaware that you could get that effect. Often SRS will implement additional effects like this in future updates. Sometimes they are a bit behind in what is offered by SimTools. Ideally, I would like have SRS be the one-stop-shop rather than having to jump between apps.
I hope that effect will be added and the jerky loading will be fixed. Thanks for sharing
it's a shaking sensation in the movement of the platform
With these planes I also get shooting effect ...
The experience changes with each plane, there are even some that do not move at all, it is true that with simtools there is less range of movement but I get that smoothness that I do not get with SRS, and the shooting effect that I like so much, with simtools that effect Heave gives it to me, the planes that appear in the video have a good shooting effect, they are P47D, F4U-1C, P47N, F4U-4, F6F-5N, from the Americans, these are a little high tier but with others lower tier there is also a good effect, if you don't have those planes I can try other lower tier ones, thanks for your interest
Not bad but I get a smoother movement and effect when shooting with simtools, as much as I try with SRS I don't get the same
Change Log 9/11/2020 - Added comment regarding Jerky Motion When Flying
10/5/2020 - Added note regarding Enhanced G-Forces for H6/P6 users.
7/17/2022 - Added SFU notice.