ATTENTION: This motion profile was created on a DOF Reality platform that did not have the SFU gear box upgrade. If you have a SFU upgraded DOF Reality platform, you will likely need to adjust the Effects Slider and Smoothing Effect settings.
Below is the tuning for IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad. The tunings include telemetry capture and averaged from the BF109, ME262, HE111, BF110, Ju87 Stuka, Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, Sopwith Camel, and many others utilized for testing. The General Tuning is intended to work with all the aircraft in IL-2 including ground vehicles.
When loading initially into an aircraft, there can be telemetry spikes in surge and sway that will cause extremely jarring movement in the motion platform. This has been mitigated by Overall and Effect Smoothing. Motion can be disabled via a platform emergency stop button or keyboard/joystick bound button in SRS for the Motionbox Switch prior to selecting the Start button to load into the game or switching positions.
When changing gunner positions in an aircraft, there can be telemetry spikes in surge, sway and heave that will cause extremely jarring movement in the motion platform. Motion can be disabled via a platform emergency stop button or keyboard/joystick bound button in SRS for the Motionbox Switch prior to selecting the Start button to load into the game or switching positions.
IL-2 will spike in telemetry when ejecting or loosing control of the aircraft. Motion might be jarring during these events. To reduce overall movement, decrease the Power/Max Angle slider.
Multiple Tunings for IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad
Unfortunately, IL-2 does not export the name of the aircraft in telemetry. This makes it impossible for SimRacingStudio to automatically load different tunings for different aircraft. However, utilizing the ability for SRS to import/export tunings, a user can create multiple tunings for IL-2 by following the process here.
Tuned on a DOF Reality P6, but will work for all DOF Reality models. For more information on tuning, see the SRS 2.0 Motion Tuning Guide here.
I do all this for free and love it! However, If you would like to make a donation, please use the link here. Thank you!
IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad General Tuning
Notes: Overall Smoothing increased to 90 to mitigate extreme Surge spikes when loading into game. Sway, Surge and Heave Effects Smoothing increased to mitigate telemetry spikes when changing positions in aircraft (Note: If only single pilot aircraft are to be utilized, these can be decreased to 10). Pitch and Roll reduced to 40 to increase platform movement during dogfights. Long G Surge slightly increased.

Retired tuning as of 11/7/2020. This has been replaced with new tuning that utilize the SRS Effects Smoothing feature.